This year’s Currituck County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers’ Speakers Bureau kicks off in January. All of the classes will be held on the third Thursday of each month at the NC Cooperative Extension, Currituck Center from 9:00 – 10:00. Head to our Eventbrite registration page to let us know you’re coming and to reserve your spot today!
The first class in our Speakers Bureau series, held on January 19th, is Starting Tropical Fruits. Have you ever tried to grow an avocado from a pit with no luck? Or maybe you’ve seen a video online showing how to grow exotic, tropical fruit? In this free class, we’ll cover what tropical fruits you can buy from the store, eat, and grow into your very own tropical fruit garden. We’ll cover how to process and plant the seeds, care for the seedlings, and maintain your plants for years to come!
On February 16th, our Speakers Bureau series will cover Greenhouse Management. This class, taught by Currituck County Agriculture Technician and Master Gardener Coordinator Chris Blaha, will cover various containers used in greenhouse production, media choices, basic fertilization, pest control, ventilation, record keeping, and includes an on-site tour of a working greenhouse.
The last Speakers Bureau class of the quarter is our Microgreens class held on March 16th. In this class we’ll cover the basics of microgreens, which plants can be grown as microgreens, different unique methods to grow microgreens, and food-borne illnesses associated with microgreens. Participants will go home with some seeds and microgreen recipes.
For more information or accommodations for persons with disabilities please contact Adam Formella at 252-232-2261, or email no later than ten business days before the event.