Oldies music and an original play will help raise money for people living with Alzheimer’s related and dementias at a fundraiser hosted by Theatre of Dare on February 12.
The event, titled “Have a Heart for Dementia Care” will raise money for Gentle Expert Memorycare (GEM) of the Outer Banks and for Theatre of Dare. It will begin at 2 p.m. with a reading of a new one-act play written and directed by T.O.D. Board President Stuart Parks II titled Do You Remember Me?, a first-hand account of a person’s life before, during and after a dementia diagnosis. It’s a light and touching tale of what is most important in life when time is at stake, and how memories are never lost when they become stories to cherish and inspire.
After a brief intermission, the program will continue with a concert by the Riff Tides, a local band that specializes in reverent covers of classic oldies from the likes of Elvis, Patsy Cline, Fats Domino and The Drifters.
The event will end at 5 p.m., giving football fans plenty of time to get home for the Super Bowl kickoff.
“It’s going to be a fantastic afternoon of fun, and all for a good cause,” said Theatre of Dare business manager Kelsey Thompson. “The Outer Banks community showed us tremendous support as we moved into our new home last year, and this is the type of event that allows us to give back.”
Tickets are $20 per person and are available at theatreofdareobx.com. All proceeds raised will go directly to GEM and Theatre of Dare to support their ongoing programs. The theater is located at 3848 N. Croatan Highway, milepost 4 in Kitty Hawk.