Scholarship fund established for students to pursue veterinary medicine – OBX Today

Scholarship fund established for students to pursue veterinary medicine - OBX Today
Carol Garrett and Teddy. Photo by MaryAnn Toboz.

A new fund has been created at the Outer Banks Community Foundation (OBCF) to assist local students who aspire to become veterinarians. Established by Duck, NC philanthropist, Carole Garrett, the creation of the fund reflects Ms. Garrett’s life of service to the animals around her and the cherished pets with whom she has spent her life. 

“I have adopted, fostered, loved, and cared for more pets than I can count. I believe deeply in the importance and value of animal companionship. To help the next generation of veterinarians is an honor for me,” commented Ms. Garrett.

Ms. Garrett has been active in local animal groups, serving on the board of directors for both Feline Hope and Friends of Pooh. She has been a dedicated fundraiser for animal welfare nonprofits on the Outer Banks for over 20 years, including serving on the organizing committee for the Wags and Whiskers events. She also took her beloved dog, Savannah, on visits to nursing home residents. After Savannah died, she started Savannah’s Angels, a nonprofit with a mission to offer financial assistance to pet owners so that pets can receive necessary medical care.

Chris Sawin, President and CEO of the Outer Banks Community Foundation, thanked Ms. Garrett for her generosity, “In addition to establishing the Teddy & Savory Garrett Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund at the Community Foundation, Ms. Garrett has made a provision in her will to fund both the veterinary medicine scholarship fund and other OBCF efforts that benefit Outer Banks people and causes. Her generosity toward the community through these donations to the Community Foundation will help ensure that we will continue to fulfill our mission far into the future.”