Celebrate the First Friday of June this Friday, June 7, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Downtown Manteo.
Dare Arts will be hosting two new art exhibit opening receptions, Pete Lyon’s Mixed Media and Outside Straight Lines, seven-piece band The Storyweavers playing Americana folk music in The Courtyard, followed by a fun hula-hooping performance by Summer Spins and concluding with spectacular fire spinning by Panda Daniels at 8 p.m.
There will also be live music by Windgrass at Old Tom Street, Havana Club at Magnolia Pavilion, Kathy Postlewait and The Joey Davis Band at the Pioneer Theater, Toolan & Evans at NouVines, Steve Hauser at 1587 Restaurant & Lounge, and Jeremy & The Generations at Poor Richards.
The First Friday Manteo Stroll featuring specials, sales, and more inside Manteo restaurants and shops is also happening this month. First Friday is a free, family-friendly event.
For more information on First Friday, visit DareArts.org.